When we align our subconscious programming with our conscious desires, we become the masters of our fates rather than the “victims” of our programs. Historically, it has been a tedious and time-consuming process to effect changes in limiting or sabotaging subconscious programming. Fortunately, a new variety of rapid and efficient reprogramming processes are available to rewrite limiting programs, such as those we acquire in our first 7 years of existence.

From the perspective of “new-edge” science, the character of an individual’s aging is primarily a reflection of their subconscious beliefs and not their genetic history. As discussed in The Biology of Belief, the EEG activity of the brain through the first six years of life reveals that a child’s mind is primarily engaged in a hypnotic trance. Consequently, whatever the child experiences or learns during this critical period of development is directly downloaded into the sub-...

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Uncategorized Sep 27, 2018

“Positive thinking is powerful thinking. If you want happiness, fulfillment, success and inner peace, start thinking you have the power to achieve those things. Focus on the bright side of life and expect positive results.” 

Germany Kent


"Remember who you were before society told you who to be"

Raul Lopez Jr - Life Coach  

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 Original Posted by: Team Tony


Everyone wants to enhance their quality of life. Everyone wants to be more fulfilled. But almost all of us get stuck at times in our limiting beliefs and emotional patterns. We make habits out of feeling frustrated, worried, sad or overwhelmed. But it is these disempowering habits that prevent us from doing what we are really capable of – even if that something is just being happy.


While we cannot control the events that happen in our lives, we can master how we experience these events. People are always going to encounter stressful times. It could be losing a job, losing your health or even losing a loved one. Something happens that is outside our control, and it knocks us down. But stress, anger, sadness – these feelings don’t come from the facts, they come from the meaning that we give the facts. Of course, the terrible things that happen are real. But the question is,...

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If the only thing people learned was....

Have you struggled with really awful experiences and wished they would quickly pass? Or cursed your strings of bad luck and wondered when the bad streak will ever end? What about the other end – have you ever let a great victory get into your head and made bad decisions? Consider the following story.

Les Brown shared this story and I had to pass it on. There’s a famous fable of an ancient powerful king. As powerful as he was, he often struggled with emotional highs and lows, and that had caused him heavily during critical moments in battles.
The King was prone to periods of great elation where he would make very poor decisions, and periods of great despair where he would get extremely upset.

One of the kingdom’s wise men created a ring for the King, a device that would help stop him from getting lost in his high and low moments.

The King asked, “How does it work?”
“Wear the ring with you always. In times when you need it...

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The Power of Deep Listening


Posted by: Raul Lopez Online

Have you ever spoken to someone who made you feel like you were the only person in the world at that moment? Who seemed truly engaged and interested in every word that came out of your mouth? How did that make you feel? Important? Understood? 

This is the power of deep listening. Deep listening is more than a valuable social habit; it is a transformative communication tool. With deep listening, you are not only allowing yourself the time and space to fully absorb what your conversation partner is saying, you can actually encourage him or her to to feel heard and to speak more openly and honestly. And this is a key step in developing rapport with someone. 

To better understand how to interact and communicate more effectively with others, we spoke to body language expert Jan Hargrave, one of the Leadership Academy speakers, about the core tenets of deep listening:


“By maintaining good...

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The true strength is at the end of this video.


You can also watch this video on youtube. Hidden Strengths 

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We always seek external.. Why?



Posted by: Team Tony

Why do we hold on to the past? Why is it so difficult to let go of the experiences that have caused us pain and suffering?

For many of us, we get stuck in the past because of our need for certainty. Certainty is one of the six basic human needs and is fundamentally about survival. We all need to feel certain that we can avoid pain and, ideally, find some comfort in our lives. Continuous pain means continuous damage, and that eventually leads to our demise. It’s frightening to step into the unknown. It’s difficult to be vulnerable. And it can be overwhelmingly uncomfortable to have that sense of uncertainty about what lies ahead. So we hang on to the past – because even if it’s steeped in pain, it’s what we are familiar with and what we feel certain about.

The other reason it’s so difficult to let go of the past has to do with the way...

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Live intensive workshop - Join me.

raul lopez jr. Aug 03, 2018

This is a personal invitation for you. Please join me while a film my online course. The online course will price out at $997.00 usd. 

You will not pay even close to that. How does only $29 for the live workshop sound?

Plus a FREE bonus.

Details here......


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Inspired by Francis Chan

mind motivation Jul 31, 2018
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Step into your Greatness.

    As you move outside of your comfort zone, what was once the unknown and frightening becomes your new normal ~ Robin Sharma

As humans, we make choices everyday. It’s these choices that determine and create our daily Habits, the situations we deal with, our choices will also pave the path to our goals.

The trouble is that our minds often lie to us. Our mind has developed what are known as heuristics (shortcuts) that create quick decisions. Or, your mind is quick to make decisions for you (fight or flight) and it serves us well most of the time (and that’s why it exists).

But these heuristics also have a negative side: Your mind often look for the easiest path. It lets you believe, feel, and do things that often put you in a comfort zone.

Want to shoot a video? Your mind tells you that you don't look good or nobody will watch it.

Want to meet somebody new? Your mind deters you by making you feel unsafe or tells you that you’d...
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